The Significance of Muroqobatullah, Feeling of Being Watched Over by Allah SWT

It is paramount, as a believer to be aware of Allah SWT's supervision over us. It is a sign of His infinite love, moreover, it will encourage awareness that our acts will be accounted for in the afterlife.

"To Allah ˹alone˺ belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Whether you reveal what is in your hearts or conceal it, Allah will call you to account for it. He forgives whoever He wills, and punishes whoever He wills. And Allah is Most Capable of everything" (Al Baqarah, 284)

The concept of Muroqobatullah refers to the feeling of always being watched over by Allah, regardless of the situation or circumstances, whether in a crowd or alone, visible and invisible. It is crucial to understand the meaning of Muroqobatullah, emphasizing Allah never turns away from His servants, but persistently observes each action, word and thought wherever they are and under whatever circumstances, He sees and knows everything.

Recognition of Muroqobatullah has deep implications in the daily life of a believer. It leads to  the predominance of being grateful and sincere in worship. Allah is the One who is full of compassion and bestows His blessings on His servants. He considerates each, protects and blesses them all the times. Therefore, as a responsible servant, we must have a deep sense of gratitude for all the blessings and regards He has furnished. It has to be reflected in the tangible actions, genuine deed to please Him in all aspects of life.

In life of divine guidance, the belief of His sight over us on everything noticeable and unnoticeable, must direct us to total honest and high integrity. He knows everything, not only what is apparent to others, but also what is hidden in our hearts. Thus, a servant must maintain honesty in every action, word and thought. Being authentic in front of  people, as well as God who recognises everything  in our hearts.

Furthermore, Muroqobatullah concept teaches about the significance of developing patience in life. Allah accompanies and watches over us, when dealing with trials, difficulties or life tests. It  includes resistance to them as well as patience in obeying his commands and abandoning His prohibitions. A servant must believe that Allah is always with us, listens to our prayers, and will help us facing all the trials in life.

The believer must avoid the feeling proud of being praised by others because of kind acts. The appreciation and recognition only would be noticed before Allah, not in the eyes and judgment of mortal people. Relying on human views and judgments leads to feelings of dissatisfaction, hurt and doubt, damaging the quality of spiritual life. It would be cured  by straightening out our intentions to achieve His approval, since the closeness to Him will direct us to find true happiness and satisfaction.

To intensify awareness of His supervision, honesty, integrity and patience, every believer needs to  bring their relationship closer to Allah. Worship services such as prayer, dhikr, fasting and other sunnah worship would be a means of deepening  relationship with Allah and feeling His presence.

by : Ustadz Fathurrahman Hafidzahullah

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