Providing An International Standard Hospitality,
“Sudahkah sampai kepadamu (Muhammad) kisah tamu Ibrahim yang dimuliakan. (Ingatlah) Ketika mereka masuk kete....
“Sudahkah sampai kepadamu (Muhammad) kisah tamu Ibrahim yang dimuliakan. (Ingatlah) Ketika mereka masuk kete....
Allah SWT berfirman:اِنَّ فِيْ خَلْقِ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَا لْاَ رْضِ وَا خ....
“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah keadaan suatu kaum hingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka.....
Banyak ahli pendidikan mengatakan bahwa agar pendidikan menjadi semakin maju maka kualitas kuriukulumnyaharus ....
Humans are equipped with all the potential to carry out their mandate as prosperity of the earth (khalifah fi ....
Since I was little, 2 years old, I have been taught to know God. We exist because of our creator. It is unfeas....
People argue about whether it is possible for humans to hear God's voice. The debates usually end absurd with ....
People who truly close to each other will love, look after, and avoid anything considered to confuse a harmoni....