Zebra Cross, as Power Plants, has Made Students of Tazkia IIBS Ranked the First in National Technologycal Work Contest

Electricity is considered the basis of public need produced by recent various power plants. However, the use of electricity has led to crisis in energy sources for some countries.  To deal with it, alternative energy source is required, utilising kinetic energy from vehicles passing the crosswalk.

The idea comes from students,  Ipangga Hulian dan Affan Najih, of senior high school of Tazkia International Islami Boarding School (IIBS), placed the first winner in technology competition, on Sunday (10/27), held by Public University of Surabaya (UNESA). The work is untitled Utilisation of Wasted Energy on Pedestrian Crossing as Energy Sources, admired by judges and won  in the national competition.


Ipangga stated, the work comes from wasted energy in the streets. According to the two students, the objective of research is discussing alternative electricity power resulted from wasted energy in the street,  kinetic energy from vehicles or pedestrians crossing the speed breaker. Thus, it will be transformed into mechanical energy through a medium designed for and installed in the crosswalk.

"The electricity source then will be stored in battery form. Previously, there has been utilisation of kinetic energy from pedestrians and speed bump, however, there is no research developing energy sources in speed breaker" he added.


Renewable energy utilisation can reduce energy crisis in the world little by little. The research is aimed to produce alternative energy sources in the area where the conversion energy tool installed. Also, it can help road user be discipline in the area of pedestrian crossing.

According to him, effective technique for energy conversion in Indonesia is modified electromagnetic induction technique in the tool set installed under the crosswalk.

"With this great work, we hope to support creating renewable energy and to encounter energy crisis," the two students said. 

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