Thursina IIBS Inaugurates 326 Graduates after A Year Full of Remarkable Achievements
Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) on Saturday, May 17 officially inaugurated 326 graduates from its Junior High and High School. This graduation ceremony of the 2022/2023 academic year was held at the Graha Cakrawala hall of the State University of Malang (UM).
In his address, Ustadz Ali Syihabuddin, S.Si., principal of Thursina IIBS High School, expressed his gratitude and appreciationto the parents for their unwavering support of the students’ education and development during their time at Thursina IIBS. “On this joyous occasion, we want to thank all parents and guardians of our students who have worked together in synergy in shaping the character and developing the potential of our children. Without your support and cooperation, this extraordinary achievement would not have been possible,” he stated.
The seventh batch of the junior high school graduating class consisted of 110 boys and 74 girls. Meanwhile, the fourth batch of the high school graduating class comprised 64 boys and 78 girls.
In an impressive feat, a total of 12 graduates from Thursina High School have been admitted to universities in various countries, including the Netherlands, the UK, Italy, Australia, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Notably, one graduate, Raden Galen Bratasena, received two scholarship offers from prestigious universities in Hungary and Russia.
“54.5% of our graduating class has been accepted into their chosen universities, while the remaining 45.5% are still in the admission process, including those applying to universities in the Middle East,” Ustadz Ali added.
Additionally, 26 students have gained admission to state universities (PTN) through the National Merit-Based Selection (SNBP) pathway. These universities include the University of Indonesia (UI), Airlangga University (Unair), Brawijaya University (UB), Yogyakarta State University (UNY), Surabaya State University (Unesa), Malang State University (UM), Sriwijaya University (Unsri), and the State Islamic University (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. It is also worth noting that five of them were successfully accepted into the schools of Medicine in various universities.
Ten graduates have also successfully completed their tahfidz program, memorizing the entire 30 juz of the Quran. These graduates are Neal Coutsar, Wahyu Nurdiansyah, Maudzar Adl Khawarizmy, Andri Saputra, Nayla Munaya, Lista Nisrina Safety, and Safa Nadhira Azzahra from high school, as well as Muhammad Farel Zahra, Abdul Maged, and Alyssa Aulia Putri Wahyudi from junior high school. They have undergone a series of tahfidz exams and have been officially inaugurated as hafidz and hafidzah.
Students have also achieved numerous national and international accolades throughout the academic year. On the national level, they earned 187 awards, including 35 gold medals, 66 silver medals, and 86 bronze medals. On the international stage, there were 68 achievements with 12 golds, 32 silvers, and 24 bronzes. “The UTBK (computer-based examination for the Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities) scores have seen significant growth over the past three years. In 2020, we ranked 640th; in 2021, we were 582nd; and in 2022, we improved to 227th nationally, even achieved 1st place among private high schools in Malang Regency,” revealed Ustadz Ali.
Thursina IIBS itself has also made notable accomplishments and formed partnerships during the academic year. According to Ustadz Muhammad Rajab M.Pd., the education director of Thursina IIBS, Thursina IIBS Junior High School has been officially recognized as a Cooperative Education Unit School (SPK) with an A-Accreditation score.
This recognition is based on the Decree of the Chairperson of the National Accreditation Board for Schools and Madrasahs (BAN-SM) number 1931/BAN-SM/SK/2022.
“This accreditation further solidifies Thursina IIBS’ position as the only Islamic boarding school with SPK status. It allows us to adopt various international curricula, collaborate with overseas institutions, and even admit students and hire teachers from abroad,” he noted.
Looking ahead, Ustadz Rajab hopes that graduates will pursue further studies aligned with their talents and passions. He also encouraged students to keep honing the skills and knowledge they have gained at Thursina in their next schools.
“For all graduates, we hope you continue to internalize and implement the RECODING (Religious, Caring, Open-Minded, Inspiring) values of our boarding school wherever you go. Take pride in being a santri and strive to inspire goodness in others. As you continue your studies, may Allah grant you ease in every step you take toward your dreams and in building our nation in the future,” he concluded.