Featuring Islamic Brotherhood, Tazkia IIBS Officially Renamed Thursina IIBS

Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School has officially renamed Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) since 20 of February 2021. The inauguration was attended by the chairman, CEO, directors, and advisory and sharia board.  

The Chairman of Thursina IIBS, Ustadz Ali Wahyudi, M.Pd, in the opening of the agenda said that, the journey to build an educational institution is challenging. It requires, at least, 10 years, since 2014, to run the institution named Tazkia IIBS. After it was officially established, the dynamics coloured the journey in its development process.


"We cannot stand alone in running the educational institution. Strong network is required to develop it," Ustadz Ali said.

Realising this, he added, that islamic brotherhood becomes the basic foundation that the institution has always adhered to.  This was also the basis to change the name to Thursina IIBS.

"The most prominent thing is this is our effort to maintain an honour of our institution and the establishment of Islam and muslims," he said.


The name of Thursina comes from Thursia or At Thur, mentioned in Quran around 10 times. The word means supervision or a place for calming heart and soul. The word Thursina also means a home from the heart therefore it could be interpreted as a place to foster peace and harmony in the hearts of the students.

Ustadz Ali also reminded that the change would not affect the value and quality of the education. Precisely at this moment, Thursina IIBS is preparing innovations and new formulas to improve learning process both in the academic and diniyah by maintaining the concept of holistic and balanced education.

"What we need to do now is focusing on providing the best education for our students, thus one day they could become a leader of civilisation," he said.


The Senior Advisor for Thursina IIBS, Prof.  Dr. Imam Suprayogo, added that actually, name changes in an institution are common.  In fact, these changes could become dynamics to build better organisation.

"The change of name is part of the process to raise our awareness to design more viable education system," said Prof. Imam.

Furthermore, he explained that the strength of an educational institution lies in its human resources because they are who would create learning system and environment. Therefore, it is vital to maintain kinship in it.



"Educational institution should relentlesly change along with the time changes," he said.

Ustadz Fathurrahman, Sharia Advisor for Thursina IIBS also emphasised that the change is actually part of the destiny of Allah SWT.  What needs to be endeavored is how each institution leads to the better future. Everyone should be tied to Allah SWT with the intention to be advantageous for Ummah.  "Hopefully this change could be interpreted as a moment to improve and step forward to the next level," concluded Ustadz Fathur.

The CEO of Thursina IIBS, Ustadz Nur Abidin, M.Ed, read out the decision letter of the new name in the inauguration as well as signed the plaque, followed by the chairman, CEO, board of directors, and advisory and sharia board of Thursina IIBS.


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