Thursina Inspiring Education: Thursina IIBS Hosts Visit from SDIT Hunafaa Banjarmasin

Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) recently hosted students and faculty members from the Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) Hunafaa Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, on May 26. This visit provided an opportunity to exchange insights on educational services and to discuss the quality of religious education with the students of SDIT Hunafaa.

A total of 18 students from SDIT Hunafaa participated in the visit which took place at the Thursina IIBS Male Campus. They were accompanied by teachers Ustadzah Febrihani Devi Rahmawati, S.Pd., Ustadz Gusti Muchran Noor, SE., MM., Ustadz Muhammad Nasrul Akbar, Ustadzah Gusti Nurul Haida, S.Pd., as well as several parent representatives. Their arrival at Thursina IIBS was intended as a comparative survey of secondary schools and a chance to share insights Islamic boarding school programs. The students were taken on a campus tour to get to know the environment and learning facilities at Thursina IIBS. These 6th grade students were smiling ear to ear, beaming with excitement as they took a stroll past the tall buildings and the lush Granada garden. After the tour, they were led to the Sorbonne meeting room, where they enjoyed a view of the campus from the fourth floor.


“We want to thank you; our students are very happy to be introduced to a beautiful, clean, and modern school environment with very friendly service. We have also learned about Islamic boarding school programs that may later serve as a reference for our students' further education," said Ustadzah Febrihani Devi Rahmawati, S.Pd., the Coordinating Teacher from SDIT Hunafaa.

During the visit, Ustadz Sabar Arifin, S.T., Chief of Relations and Enrollment, gave a presentation on the profile and programs at Thursina IIBS, including tahfidz, Arabic coaching, diniyah materials, the da’wah expedition initiative, and overseas study tours. Students from SDIT Hunafaa also received motivation to continue learning to make their dreams a reality.


According to Ustadz Mochammad Arief Fathurrahman, S.Pd.I., manager of the Public Relations & Dakwah Center, the Thursina Inspire Education program is a routine agenda of mutual knowledge with exchange various institutions aimed at enhancing the quality of education and services on both institutions.

“Our guests also get to experience activities on campus so they can get a clearer picture of the routine at Thursina IIBS,” explained Ustadz Arief.


Furthermore, Ustadz Arief emphasized that this program serves as a bridge for Thursina IIBS to share knowledge and experience, and is part of Thursina IIBS' endeavor to strengthen Islamic camaraderie between institutions. “Hopefully, this kind of visit will provide positive reinforcement for both Thursina IIBS and SDIT Hunafaa, building synergy for the advancement of our institutions,” he concluded

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