Thursina IIBS : Committed to Born Generation of Qur'an through 30 Juz Tahfizh Program

Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) remains genuinely committed to have Quranic generation. 30 Juz of Tahfidz program is one of its commitment as well as special assistance for those with great potential in memorising the Qur'an.

Tahfizh program in Thursina IIBS has existed since its inception. Vice Principal of the program, Ustadz Irwan, S.S, M.Pd.I, said some students have extraordinary memory abilities. "They generally memorise 3-5 juz during their school years. However, some are outstanding and able to complete 30 juz. The first student completing memorisation for the whole juz was from the first graduate," added Ustadz Irwan.

In the last two years, Thursina IIBS introduced Takhasus Tahfizh Program, dividing new students into three Mustawa levels based on their memorisation targets for three years. Mustawa 1  attaining 21-30 juz, Mustawa 2 completing 11-20 juz, and Mustawa 3 targeting on 3-10 juz. The objective is to manage measurable guidance therefore each student has clearer goal to achieve.


The team has designed specific approach through student talent mapping to support the accomplishment of the program therefore the supervisor might know those with more abilities to memorise faster, and managing the time suitable to complete it. "We choose the right time for students  to memorise so that they can achieve the maximum results," said Ustadz Irwan.

In addition, Thursina IIBS has provided tools and convenience for students completing their targets. A book to note their work each day and free time at night to finish their daily task. Ustadz Irwan added, "The minimum goal is to memorise two sheets per day so that students could complete the program on time"


The Drive behind participation on the program is also significant, followed by student commitment since the first time joining and the approval from their parents. The second is the key, added Ustadz Irwan. Furthermore, students are encouraged to focus on their memorisation dan retrieve it routine, before and after prayer or other ceritain time. 

The great hope is they are able to establish their memorisation throughout life, murojaah persistently, and have strong commitment and humility. "We hope that they would adhere to the Quran, be humble, and maintain favourable social interactions," concluded Ustadz Irwan.

With comprehensive approach and full support, Thursina IIBS is determined to graduate Quranic generations who not only have strong memorisation but also practice the values ​​of Qur'an in everyday life. (rnw/lil)

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