The Arrival of New Students Academic Year 2019-2020: From the Minister of Education and Students Who Come from Various Regions and Countries
As many as 311 male and female students of Tazkia IIBS have started their battle in Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS). Attended by Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (Mendikbud RI) Prof. Dr. H. Muhadjir Effendy, M. AP, new student arrival (7/20&27) is the beginning of it.
Prof. Dr. H. Muhadjir, in his speech, stated, Tazkia IIBS is one of the institutions supposed to bring talented future generation. He was optimistic to tell about this in the visit.
"I believe this is going to be happened because Tazkia IIBS is initiated by fully-dedicated and vigorous young men," he said.
The youth zeal will initiate new brillian ideas and innovations. Moreover, there are many fresh inspirations coming from younger people.
Prof. Dr. H. Muhadjir observed several amenities, dining room, kitchen, classes, rooms, and library, in Tazkia IIBS. "Adequate facilities will greatly help students to learn and to be comfortable," he added.
The director of Relations and Enrolment, Ustadz Sabar Arifin, S. T told, the immense enthusiasm of new students has been proved by the distribution of recent students.
"The freshmen in the period of 2019-2020 come from faraway places. Many are Indonesians, from Papua, Borneo, Sumatera, and Sulawesi and some of them are from overseas, Australia, Thailand, Japan, America, and Dubai," Ustadz Sabar explained in detail.
This is considered as seriousness in learning on the grounds that living separately from parents is challenging for inexperience teens of year VII.
156 junior high school students of year VII and 155 senior high school students of year X have started to live in boarding school. Presented a full explanation for parents about Tazkia IIBS, its history, management, and the vision and mission of school.
"All details about Tazkia IIBS were disclosed, including the permit, finance, and so on. Several programs of units also were delivered, such as result profile and custody program, and so on," he said.