Getting Back to International Math Competition, Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) Sent its Students to Participate in Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad (SEAMO) X 2020

Three students of Tazkia IIBS, Aisyah Nuryaca and Scherly Auliya Hidayati, from senior high school, and Tammam Fajar Briliansyah, from junior high school, have passed to final round.

Tammam Fajar won silver medal, while Aisyah Nuryaca and Scherly Auliya brought home merit awards. Held in Gold Coast, Australia on 17-20 January 2020, the contest has become valuable experience for Tazkia students.


Ustadz Dwi Prasetyo Pribadi, S.Pd , as companion teacher stated the questions  of SEAMO X are at advanced level because the syllabus and assessment framework are formulated based on curriculum of many different countries such as, Singapore, the USA, and Russia. "Terry Chew Institute of Mathematical Olympiad has created it, therefore its level was a little bit different".

The students of Tazkia competed with 450 participants from 15 countries, including Australia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and the USA.


Before the final round in Austalia, the preliminary was held concurrently with other countries, followed by 15.000 students in Malang region alone, located in Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School.

The students were under intensive training and supervision for more than a month before the competition in Australia.

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