Students of Tazkia IIBS Sweep Achievement Awards as 6 Medals in The IISRO Malaysia

Students from Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) managed to win six medals in international events. This time, students from Tazkia IIBS brought medals back from the international event International Islamic School Robot Olympiad (IISRO) which took place between Friday - Sunday (7 - 9/9). In the event Tazkia IIBS students competed against more than 300 teams from various schools around SE Asia.

Competitions were held at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) where Tazkia IIBS students were successful in bringing back one gold medal and five silver. Three students representing Tazkia IIBS got their teeth into the competition. Among them were Ipangga Hulian, Khairul Aslam from the high school and Darvesh Valubia Nabel of SMP.


One of the participants, Ipangga Hulian said, Tazkia IIBS entered the robotics competition in 6 categories. The categories were creative projects, time rush, gathering, resque, sumo and under water. All countries did not participate in all categories. "We prepared the robot to be able to participate in a variety of categories," said Ipangga when interviewed via Whats App, Sunday (9/9).


Students competed in each race according to their school level. But there were some competitions where participants not only included junior high school level but also higher education. For example in the time rush category, participants took part from students at the University of Malaysia competing against Tazkia IIBS students from class VIII SMP.

"The same occurred in the category of creative project. In total 27 participants competed from various countries and walks of life. Including students from college", said student from Lampung.

This event is an annual program held at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). These events are also used as qualifying events for international competitions against countries such as Japan, USA and others.

According to Ipangga, in other countries these kind of competitions has gained support from local and central governments. "Unfortunately in Indonesia there has not been any support from the local or central governments. Hopefully, in the future we could get support in some form or another". (arf / lil)

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