Record the Fastest, Students of Tazkia IIBS Won Four Medals in National Horseback Archery Competition

Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) provides students fair chance for their hobbies in sport, including horseback riding and archery. Two activities of sunnah Rasulullah SAW are compulsory program in curriculum. Recently, three students of Tazkia IIBS competed in National Horseback Archery Tournament 2019.

They are Muhammad Daffa Hizmayana Putra, student of year XII, Miqdad Zufar Santoso and Mirza Dhia, students of year IX.


They finally won four categories in national event by intensive training. Daffa Hizmayana Putra won the third in U-17 category and the first in appreciation award, while Mirza Dhia was placed the second in U-17 category and in general champion. They won on dozens of participants from other regions in Indonesia.

One of the participants, Daffa Hizmayana stated, the training was intensive. "The representatives of Tazkia  IIBS gained 24 points with the horse-riding speed of 8 seconds in 100-meter track," he explained in detail.


There are two categories to be competed, the first, Arema-Utab style with three targets installed.  The horse runs in track so the archer shoots the arrow to the target beside the horse  track. Second category is Arema-Qabak Style, the archer is supposed to shoot arrow toward the target, placed beside, on, and under the horse track.

"The distance among targets is 30 meters, meanwhile, between the first and the third sparing 5 meters from the track. The second target distancing 7 meters from the track and another installed on the 6-meter pole. The last is the hardest, however, it is new experience for us," student, coming from Banjarmasin, said.


Daffa told, the training held about more than a single month to shoot arrow precisely while on the high speed horse-riding.

The coordinator of enrichment, Ustadz Munahar Al Amin, S. Pd. I said, students have  great competence in the field. "They need more experience in horseback archery. This was the first contest and they won national award. There will be talent assessment in the field later, may the victory be a good start in horseback archery," he closed the statement.

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