Raising the Theme of Career Readiness, Thursina Thriumps Gold Medal in YNSF 2024
Students of Thursina International Islamic Boarding School thriumped a gold medal in Youth National Science Fair (YNSF), 2024. The team (Early Andien Aulia, Alia Aniqah Desrita Fadhilah, Maheswari Alma Rianang, and Nuraida Fajrina Syahira) had impressed the judges with innovative research .
The research aims to explore and evaluate the effectiveness of using the "CRAFT Journal" as a tool to increase career readiness in high school students. CRAFT (Career Readiness Assessment Framework Tracking) Journal has been the center of the research.
Anxiety in teenagers facing the challenges of college years and pursuing careers is the main points behind the research. By presenting career journals, they hope to help teens managing their feelings of anxiety. "We thought, it could be one of the solutions to help the youngers determining their later careers," explained Early.
In the context of research, career journals become a medium where teenagers reflect on their thoughts, feelings and expectations regarding their future careers. This note-taking process provides a platform for understanding and embracing the changes that will occur, thereby helping to reduce the level of experienced anxiety.
The results obtained by the Thursina International Islamic Boarding School team highlight the importance of including a career journal as a supporting tool in youth career guidance. "In this way, we can provide more holistic and personalized support in preparing students for higher education journey and live a better career in the upcoming future," she said again.
The success is not only an achievement for their school, but also a step forward in understanding and overcoming the challenges of the younger generation in navigating their time ahead. Hopefully, the research would contribute positively in increasing career readiness of teenagers throughout the country. (lil)