Inviting Senior Doctor, Tazkia IIBS Briefs All Teachers The Way to Prevent Corona
Responding to the increasingly widespread distribution of Covid-19, Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) held a briefing for all members of Tazkia IIBS about Covid-19 prevention in Tazkia Islamic Conference Hall (03/16). dr. Noer Aini, M.Kes., Ph.D. was invited as a keynote speaker, accompanied by Titis Widayanti, S.Pd as manager of Tazkia Medical Center (TMC).
She presented the origin of coronavirus, transmission, prevention, and countermeasure. The senior doctor of Tazkia also emphasized the necessity of a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) as well as handwashing habits by soap or hand sanitizer. "The positive aspect is society finally has been forced to live and maintain cleanliness over time," she says.
Furthermore, dr. Noer defined the prominence of preventing the spread of Covid-19. Social distancing should be practiced, such as avoiding hand-shaking or crowd. Regular exercise and healthy diet are substantial to strengthen the body's immune system, including mental health.
Related to face mask, she told all types of face masks could protect from Covid-19 due to the large size of the virus. The sicks are suggested to wear and then replace the mask after 24 hours.
Lastly, she stated the collaboration of all stakeholders remains pivotal to counter the plague. The students and guardians are supposed to utilize the days off regulated by the government to stay at home, not to go vacation.
The students had already been briefed about PHBS and the prevention of Covid-19 before the holiday. Ustadzah Titis Widayanti, the manager of TMS, said, Tazkia IIBS has prepared several strategies to encounter the issue, including delaying the arrival of students, health screening for all staff of Tazkia, providing hand sanitizer in some points at each building, and adding some menu for students.
In addition, Tazkia IIBS has collaborated with UMM hospital for further countermeasure process. Sterilization by disinfectant for all buildings will be the next agenda. Starting from today, the procedures have been undertaken, by accommodating hand sanitizer and scanning body temperature to every visitor getting into Tazkia sector.