PIRN XVII LIPI 2018 - Two Students from Tazkia IIBS Successfully Pass Selection Process

Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) is back again and achieving at national level. This time in the field of scientific work. Tazkia IIBS students participated in this event which was organized by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in collaboration with the Municipal Government Purbalingga on the theme of National Youth Scientific campsite (PIRN) XVII 2018 in Purbalingga, from July 8th – 15th 2018 and involving 600 participants.

PIRN is a scientific development activities for students held nationwide to provide a fundamental understanding of the scientific research methodology and research ethics. This year, the XVII PIRN included participants from SMP, MTs, SMA, SMK, and MA.


The activities are formed as part of materials research methodology in the classroom in the Field of Natural Sciences and Engineering (IPA-Tek) and the Social Sciences. In addition, training will be provided in the field of research and coaching to write scientific papers.

Furthermore, PIRN also held additional programs such as: science shows, science exhibitions and inspiring dialogue hosted by a public figure or figures as an inspriration for young researchers. Tazkia IIBS sent two students, Estetia Adistany and Amelia Salwa, to participate in order to hone their skills and understanding of and benefit from research skills (especially critical thinking and problem solving), as this is very important to learn from an early stage.

Pupils also had the opportunity to learn directly from the experts, plunge into the field to conduct research and study together with friends from all over Indonesia. On this occasion Ustadzh. Mutia, M.Pd., as teacher assistant, said that students who attended these events increased their research and understanding and are able to pass their experience onto their fellow students at school.


"Additionally, the student’s ability to critically-think also increased their sensitivity to the conditions that surround them," she explained.

The series of events benefited students by: learning the basics of research, design research related to issues that were developed in Purbalingga, conducting research in industry or tourism centres in Purbalingga and presentation of research results.

"All research process and end results are observed and assessed by each mentor who is a researcher of LIPI and the best work was announced at the closing ceremony", he explained. In addition to the workshop, students also took part in the opening of the Regent Purbalingga office, sightseeing tours around Purbalingga, and the award dinner (closing).

At the end of the second event the students achieved second best out of each class and group. Furthermore, they will prepare to participate in competitions of scientific writings held by LIPI next year. Congratulations to our students success at Tazkia IIBS. (arf)

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