Pertama Di NTB, Ponpes Al- Ikhlas Taliwang Terapkan Kurikulum Cambridge Inggris

KMCNews- In improving the quality of education for santri and santriah, Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Al - Ikhlas Taliwang Sumbawa Barat Indonesia, starting the new school year will apply the British Cambridge curriculum.

"So Education Pondok Pesantren Al - Ikhlas will later apply the combination of Modern Gontor Pondok Curricum and University of Cambridge Curriculum UK, "explained Dr.KH.Lalu Zulkifli Muhadli, SH.MM in his speech at the 34th Anniversary of Al-Ikhlas Taliwang Ponpes, at Al Hamra Building on Thursday (1/2/18).

Explained Kyai Zul, greeting familiar Chairman of Forum Alumni Gontor all over Indonesia, the steps made Ponpes Al-Ikhlas in order to realize the vision as a pioneer International standard, this alumna Pondok can wasten advanced science after graduation wherever directed at various famous universities in various countries.

"Al-Ikhlas can study in 60 countries with Cambridge diploma, in Ind there are only 192 educational institutions that implement the Cambridge Curriculum, and are dominated in several cities such as Jakarta, East Java and West Java, in NTB we are the first, "added Kyai Zul.

Separately the daily leadership of Ponpes Al - Ikhlas, Ust.Mujahid Imaduddin, S.Ag, M.Ag added, the initial stage in implementing education with the Cambridge curriculum, his party cooperates with Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) based in Malang.

"Tazkia IIBS as the implementing center of the Cambridge Curriculum in Indonesia, will guide until finally we can be independent in the application of curriculum, If you are independent then Al-Ikhlas Taliwang will be a center where other institutions can cooperate with Al Ikhlas," said Ustad Imad, short third son Kyai Zul, told KMCNews on Wednesday (31/1). Meanwhile, Tazkia IIBS Rois Haqiqi, S.Ag.M.Ag told KMCNews that his form of support for the Ponpes Al- Ikh welding in order to apply the Cambridge curriculum is to provide training for faculty, adjustment of subject matter, and book support.

For the subject matter in the Cambridge Curriculum includes 3 lessons such as Mathematics, English and Science for junior high school, while for high school level at least 5 lessons other than 3 lessons were added with Geography and multimedia.

"Actually there are 40 & nbsp; lessons for high school can be chosen 5, while for junior high school 3 lessons will be tested so that graduates can pocket Cambridge equivalent diploma and can continue higher education abroad, "said Rois Haqiqi Principal Tazkia IIBS.

The cooperation between Ponpes Al-Ikhlas and Tazkia IIBS was marked by the signing of a cooperation agreement during Milad Ponpes Al-Ikhlas yesterday between the Chairman of Pondok Kyai Zul with the Head of School Tazkia IIBS witnessed by the Regent and Vice Regent of West Sumbawa.

to 34 Ponpes Al-Ikhlas & nbsp; in itself, besides being filled with the event was also filled with the speech of the Regent of West Sumbawa, then continued with Magrib prayers in congregation then prostrating thanksgiving, and ended with dinner together. (K1)

Source:  KMC News

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