Heading to South Korea, Thursina IIBS Students Triumphed 6 Medals in WMTC 2023

Thursina International Islamic School (IIBS) facilitates and assists persistently  their  students to learn by various experiences out of school. One of the  ways is to taking part in diverse competitions both in local and international events. On 23-29 of November 2023, 18 students had flown to Incheon, South Korea to compete in World Mathematics Team Championship (WMTC).The competition is intended for middle and high school students from all over the world.

Prestigiously, three teams of Thursina IIBS won 6 medals in this international competition. Half of Silver Medals were won by Muhammad Azzam Fahim Assiddiq, Baskoro Setyo Utomo, Atha Diandra Rizqi Ananda. Meanwhile, Reyhan Rizki Mahawira, Muhammad Choirul Azmi Han and the rest bronze medals were brought by Nafeeza Hattyraeka.


Ustadz Iqbal Qalbimina, M.Pd as the supervisor of the team stated the students competed with 705 participants including in 96 teams from 20 countries - America, Australia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, South Korea, Bulgaria, Egypt, Japan, Qatar, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, India, Iran, Myanmar, Malaysia, Vietnam, Nigeria and China. The diverse backgrounds of the participants would allow special experiences for the participants.

Previously, all participants were trained for several months by internal and external teams. “The first is by teachers of Thursina, and the other is related to practicing mathematics exercises," he explained.


Some students had received merit awards, namely Faiz Khairunnizar, Azka Hafianto, Nadya Alifah Sidiq and Fathia Annisa Azzahra.

The mathematics competencies are tested through this international competition. Furthermore, it examines team cohesion and sense of responsibility. They compete and make friends with other participants. "Hopefully, the experience could motivate to develop their talents to their full potential," he hoped.


The achievement was intensified to  stimulate and inspire each other. The participants of any competition are remindered to ask to The Almighty to have the best results as the hard work they have done. Surely, Thursina IIBS will have its commitment to support students in positive and encouraging activities. (lil)

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