Pandemic Period : Tazkia IIBS Remains to Supervise Students from Distance

Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) has tried to maintain the quality of learning during pandemic both for academic and boarding school activities. Monitoring for qiyamullail, tahfidz Alquran, Tazkiyatun Nufus study, and counselling runs well as the standard of Tazkia. Although learning from home, students can be persistent like at boarding school.

Ustadzah Dwi Rahayu Utami, S. Kom, the coordinator of students of Tazkia said that each murabbi and murabbiyah has special method to reminder students to pray tahajjud. Generally, they will get notified via Whatsapp grup each night before sleeping time. Also, the supervisors will wake students up by instant message or call.

The monitoring process is carried out everyday. If a student misses tahajud prayer, Tazkia will warn him. Therefore, they remain to be discipline even in home.


The same way for Tazkiyatun Nufus study, held once a week, compulsory for students through zoom meeting. After 10 minutes, the resume has to be sent to the supervisors.

"Students have progressed so far. The monitoring system is more organized compared with the first month of pandemic," she says.

Technical constraints are inevitable during online learning, in that Tazkia hopes the  guardians take their roles to support the virtual learning activities.


Group and individual counselling is also carried almost everyday after ashar prayer by the supervisors. As Ustadzah Dwi told, the management of sosial media use has become the most anticipated issue because students can have more time to access social networks and gadgets. If not followed by self-control and management, it might be negatively affected the students.

"By counselling, we are trying to be closer to students and always be available for them" she said.

Lastly, Ustadzah Dwi supposes that students  undertake their daily activities as in boarding school even from home, including tahajjud and dhuha prayer, reading surah Al Kahfi on Friday, and so on.

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