Keeping Up Fine Achivement in The Pandemic Period : Students of Tazkia IIBS Got Silver Medal in Online English Language Olympiad

Rafida Hanun Khairunnisa Wiyono, a student of Senior High School of Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) has succesfully brought a silver medal of Indonesian Olympiad of Science, held online by Indonesian National Olympiad Training (POSI) on 17 of May. She beat out more than 140 participants coming from all over Indonesia.

Taught to be determined from early years, Rafida plans to win a competition before she gets into grade 11. Although, for her, the rules of CBT system are rather intimidating, for having only a round with multiple choice question type, this determination has made her stay motivated during the Olympiad. 

"I would like to stay productive during quarantine. We do on-screen learning and staying at home, surely, our free time is abundant," she said.

Rafida focused on reading comprehension and some grammar materials. Some of her references are TOEFL materials and exercises. She did many exercises and read English books to be more familiar to understanding English text.

Preparation period was challenging because it is susceptible to get distracted by gadgets or others during quarantine. To overcome this, Rafida asked her mother to support, by compliment or small talk. 


"My target journal is a powerful reminder when it is started to demotivate.  Those targets motivate me to move forward and learn," she said.

Ustadzah Dian Asmi Setoningsih, as her supervisor, admitted that Rafida has shown eagerness during preparation period to get the best result. Those, who have many opportunities in national and international levels, now have little chances because the competition should not be held during the pandemic. " In this time, students need to be encouraged by teachers and parents to keep pursuing their dreams, " she said.

Besides support, students are supposed to actively seek for information of online competitions. To promote this, Tazkia has shared various information regarding virtual contests. Ustadzah Dian added, good time management for both preparation to compete and learning for courses should be well-considered.

Lastly, Rafida advised others to be never afraid to failure; the most prominent thing is how we experience the processes. Ustadzah Dian, also, told that the pandemic should not be an obstacle to achieve our dreams. Additionally, internet-based competition can be an alternative to gain new experience during the time of pandemic.

"However, the main points are the student's  confidence and boldness," she closed the statement.

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