Eid Al-Adha 1444 H: Thursina IIBS Encourages Students to Take Part in Qurban Program

Eid Al-Adha is one of the most anticipated celebrations for Muslims around the world each year. This year, the Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) was no exception. Both students and faculty were excited for the big day. Like in previous years, Thursina IIBS organized a congregational Eid prayer on Wednesday, June 28. All male and female students participated in the prayer, which was heldat the male campus masjid.


For this year's Eid Al-Adha, Thursina successfully raised 19 cows and 12 goats from students' parents for Qurban. Ustadz Arief Fathurrahman, S.Pd.I., the head organizer of the Thursina Qurban Nusantara program, emphasized that the success of the Qurban program relied on the contributions and cooperation of students’ parents and guardians.


“We encouraged students to do Qurban at Thursina, but they are also allowed to do Qurban outside of school,” explained Ustadz Arief.

The slaughtering of the Qurban animals took place on Thursday, June 29. The event brought together all students who participated in the Qurban, from witnessing and assisting in the slaughter to helping with the meat distribution process. According to Ustadz Arief, students’ involvement in the Qurban is a practical application of what they have learned in class.


Ustadz Fathurrahman Hafidzahullah, who delivered the sermon during the prayer, emphasized the significance of Eid Al-Adha. In this moment, Muslims around the world have the opportunity to grow closer to Allah SWT by being virtuous and doing good for others.


Ustadz Fathurrahman continued by stating that a noble person is one who strives to leave behind bad traits, strengthen their piety, and remain determined to avoid what Allah forbids. “Let’s all work to grow closer to Allah by sharing our joy, such as through our Qurban. We need to nurture our qualities of piety to emulate the Prophet Abraham,” he stressed.


The series of Eid al-Adha prayer activities concluded with a joint prayer led by Ustadz Fathurrahman. Following the prayer, the congregation stood and lined up to shake hands with one another.


Additionally, Eid al-Adha was celebrated by roasting satay together with students and engaging in various competitions. "We also roasted satay together with students to enhance the festive atmosphere of Eid al-Adha," concluded Ustadz Arief.

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