Initiating Renewable Energy, Thursina IIBS Students Secure Gold Medal in International Event, I2ASPO 2025

A couple of Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) students, Sadid Jundi Furqoni and Dzulfiqar Achmad Alif Firdausy, has succeeded in triumphing gold medal in the prestigious International Invention and Innovative Student Project Olympiad (I2ASPO) 2025. They presented their innovative work entitled "MHIPO (Micro-Hydro Power Plant): Integration of Micro-Hydro Power Plant with IoT-Based Early Warning System and River Current Monitoring System from Recycled Plastic Waste."

MHIPO is an innovative solution, combining renewable energy, plastic waste recycling and IoT (Internet of Things) technology. The project is designed to support sustainable energy production, prevent flooding, and monitor the environment in the real-time. It is in line with Indonesia's vision towards a sovereign, developed and sustainable archipelago by 2045. "We would like to provide solutions to the current environmental and energy problems in Indonesia, such as plastic waste, dependence on coal-based energy and the threat of flooding," said Sadid Jundi Furqoni, one of the team members.


The great challenges in Indonesia today has been the inspiration behind the project, including high amount of plastic waste polluting the environment, dependence on coal-based energy, and the risk of floods which often hit river watersheds. By utilizing the potential of recyclable plastic waste, the team created a microhydro system that is environmentally friendly and has minimal impact on the environment. It is also equipped with an IoT-based Early Warning System (EWS), developed using Arduino and the ESP32-S module. The system is able to detect potential flooding and warn early, as well as present river flow data accurately through Google Apps Script and Spreadsheet integration.

Based on the test results, MHIPO is able to produce energy with an efficiency of 61.5%. However, the team realized that further development is required to increase the system's endurance and expand its scale to be implemented to larger rivers. "The project is not only a technological innovation, but also a concrete action of students to answer the demand for sustainable energy and disaster mitigation in the future," said the supervisor, Helmi Pakas Rawi, M.Pd.

Their success in the I2ASPO 2025  shows the great potential of Indonesia's young generation in creating innovative and sustainable global solutions. Also, it is a clear evidence of the commitment of Thursina IIBS students to contribute to the future of society. (lil)

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