Enriching The Skills, Thursina IIBS Sends Students to Language Camp in Türkiye

Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) persistently intensifies and fully supports the preparation for their student's higher education. Most recently, Thursina IIBS has just sent 4 of its students to take an intense Turkish language course in Turkey - Dzar Alghiffary, Nur Fawaz Daffa Sulaiman, Asep Ramadhan and Fayyadhansyah Gibraltar Pambudi.

Manager of Overseas Study Enrollment, Ustadz Mohammad Suhaili, S. Pd said, this language camp program is a new program replacing overseas visit program. Students are invited to directly learn the language according to their respective destination countries. "In this program, Thursina is serious about supporting further study assistance by directly sending students to their destination country," he explained.

The program runs at Sakarya University. Not only to learn the language, but also to embrace the culture and daily habits of the country. Thursina sends its students to several countries according to their destined advanced studies. This program, currently, continued Ustadz Suhaili, is specifically for students of grade 12 who will continue to the next level.

In their daily activities, all participants will be introduced to the area first, followed by tutoring or learning Turkish language material for a longer period of time. For approximately 18 days, the departing students will be more integrated into Turkish society and their daily habits.

"It's not just about the language, but daily life and habits are introduced directly at a glance so they do not experience much culture shock in the future. "Not only to Türkiye, Insya Allah, in the near future we will send students to attend language camps in Australia," added Ustadz Suhaili.

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