Dr. Zaim Uchrowi, MDM: Shaping People to Leading by Prophetic Character Building

It is demanded the application of SIFAT  to build  good and competitive  character. Founder and chief of Daily News Republika, Dr. Zaim Uhrowi, MDM said in his speech in front of all of teachers and staffs of  Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS), Friday (8/16).

Dr. Zaim told, in the regular seminar, that SIFAT is an acronym from the virtues of Rasulullah in his life span. These four traits complement human intelligence system.


Started with Siddiq or honesty, implementation of spiritual intelligence, in which human senses the present of God in his/her self and within, thus the faith reflects one's spirituality.

Following by Fathonah, translated as intelligence or IQ, situated at the front left of human brain. IQ influences how people solve problems in their daily life," he explained.

The third is Amanah, human character in the context of task accomplishment and responsibility. It is required adversity intelligence, an ability to manage self to encounter difficulties and carry up responsibilities.

T stands for tabligh, capability to deliver a message or information to others as well as social circles. This intelligence depends on how effective one's communication and emotion. "It is known by emotional intelligence, greatly influenced by right cerebellum," the doctor, finishing his doctoral study from human resource management, said.

The man, a doctoral graduated from IPB, added, the founding father of nation has formulated a method to accomplish nation's building in the values of systematic Pancasila items.


"The first point of Pancasila contains of faith values thus people sincerely work for the sake of God, returning back all favors. The second, humanity value, people work intelligently to fulfill civilized life," he explained.

The third point, he continued, contains of unity value in solidifying a teamwork, thus it is easier to attain the goals in life and has broad impact.

The fourth, cooperation value, accomplishment with mutual cooperation in order to solve a problem completely. The last is manifestation of completed work with satisfying result fairly and equally for all parties.

In the end, he advised, if children are taught to write their ideas regularly, it can be evaluated or revised in the particular time to focus more on their goals and know how to manage themselves in order to achieve their purposes.

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