Demonstrating Self-Efficacy, Tazkia IIBS Sends Eight Students to Learn in Al Azhar University, Cairo

Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS), through Tazkia International Affairs Office (TIAO), has successfully taken eight students to Al Azhar University, Cairo, for their continuing education.

They are Aftina Zakiyya Wafda, Aqidatul Izzha Rahayu, Muhammad Syarief Alting, Ken Adam Naufal, Muhammad Naufal Rusydi, Muhammad Sulaiman, Arya Ardhana Sibromulis, and Akbar Auliyaurrahman.


Surely, the success has involved some parties, especially Tazkia as school, in that, by means of TIAO, students are prepared well to continue their study in the Middle-East.

The Vice Manager of Middle East Deputy, Ustadz Husni Mubarok, Lc., explained, generally, there are two ways to be accepted in Al Azhar university. Firstly, via Ministry of Religion of Indonesia by scholarship or self-funded. Secondly, through Language Study Center ( PUSIBA ) in Jakarta, official branch of Al Azhar for arabic language training for students. Tazkia has choosen the second to send its students to Al Azhar this year.


Tazkia students would not pass immediately, albeit Tazkia has collaborated with PUSIBA. They are required to follow the processes, including administrative preparation and arabic language training based on PUSIBA standard, achieving at least three from seven levels set.

"Basic mastery of arabic including reading and basic grammar such as nahwu and shorof is must-have competency" said Ustadz Husni.

He revealed that preparation process has been started in the initial period of class 12. Students would be informed about learning system in the Middle East through seminar and sharing session by alumni. Subsequently, internal supervision will be undertaken by teachers and external guidance by institutions collaborating with Tazkia.


"TIAO of Tazkia actively helps student preparation. This is not found in other educational institutions," he said.

Long process of preparation period is not always going smoothly. Sometimes students find supervision schedule overlapping with other activities, furthermore, occasionally, information from the destined university comes suddenly. Such cases have become a challenge for students and Tazkia. 

"We are grateful to know that eight students are approved. It is beyond our expectation," he conveyed.


Ustadz Husni told that, later, implementing Al Azhar curriculum in Tazkia might benefit more for those who plan to study there. Students would be certified as graduates from official branch of Al Azhar. Therefore, when they are passed the last selection, it is possible for them to go to Al Azhar university without having training in another official branch of Al Azhar.

"Hopefully, those who study in the Middle East are worthwhile for knowledge in the country of religious source. Not only do they study in the classroom, but also learn from the experts and scholars there," he said.

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