Enhancing Synergy, Thursina IIBS Visits Prestigious Universities in Yogyakarta and Surakarta
As part of its commitment to provide quality education, Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) continues to expand its network of partnerships with some of the best universities in the country. These partnerships are meant to improve the quality of education and teaching, research, social services for the community, as well as to open as many opportunities as possible for its students to continue their studies after they graduate.
From November 22 to 24, Thursina IIBS initiated partnership agreements with several universities, including Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta (UNS), Gajah Mada University (UGM), Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY), Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), and Islamic University of Indonesia (UII).
On these occasions, Thursina IIBS was represented by a team of faculty members including Ustadz Muhammad Rajab, M.Pd.I as Chief of Education, Ustadz Rois Haqiqi, M.Pd as Principal of the Female Campus, Ustadz A. Ali Syihabuddin, M.Pd, Principal of the Female Campus and Ustadz Mahrus Afif, S.Psi as Coordinator of Student Service Center.
Representatives of Thursina IIBS were greeted by the Directorate of Cooperation and Public Relations as well as the Vice Rectors, Deans, and related staff of the universities during their visits. Both institutions then went on to discuss various initiation programs that would eventually be executed by both parties. According to Ustadz Rois, these partnerships covered initiatives such as the University Tri Dharma and the implementation of the Emancipated Learning - Emancipated Campus (MBKM) programs.
“Other than that, there will also be inspiring lectures, internships, research programs, and admissions opportunities, as well as further discussion on the International Undergraduate Program (IUP),” Ustadz Rois explained.
At UGM, representatives of Thursina IIBS met with the Directorate of Partnership and Global Relations, represented by Rya Mardikawati, SE, M.Acc as Coordinator for Administration and Maintenance of Cooperation. UGM welcomed this partnership with open arms through discussions about programs that will be implemented. “Thursina IIBS is also currently trying to build a partnership with the School of Psychology at UGM for MBKM and IUP,” Ustadz Rois added.
Representatives of Thursina IIBS also visited UII and were warmly greeted by Prof. Dr. Jaka Nugraha, S.Si., M.Si, the Vice Rector for Academic and Research at UII. Enhancement of education quality became a critical part of the partnership between the two institutions. "Alhamdulillah, this established partnership has given the students of Thursina IIBS the opportunity to enroll through a variety of scholarships provided by UII including tahfidz (Quran memorization) scholarship, Santri Scholarships, Dhuafa Scholarships, KIP Scholarships and Arts-Sports Scholarships," Ustadz Rois noted.
The implementation of these initiatives demonstrates Thursina IIBS's dedication in supporting its students’ further studies efforts as well as enhancing education through collaboration with various universities.