Al Hamidiyah Foundation Visited Tazkia IIBS to Learn Curriculum Strengthening

"Each educational institution has its typical characteristic," the chairwoman of Al Hamidiyah, Hj. Uswatun Hasanah, S.E said in her speech when visiting Tazkia Internasional Islamic Boarding School (IIBS), on Wednesday (11/13).

She stated, Tazkia IIBS has great organised management and uniqueness comparing to other educational institutions. Utilising Cambridge and Al Azhar Cairo curriculum as well as keeping national curriculum results in rising generation, ready to compete internationally.

Al Hamidiyah intended to learn about how to manage educational institution and look for great example to evaluate and later, implement it in their institutes.


The visit also was attended by Darmono Hadi, M.S.I, the headmaster of SMPQT Al Hamidiyah, Nusroh Wafiq Munfaridah, the head of Tahfidzh Al Qur'an, Hajar Istifaiyah AH, the chairwoman of Al Hamidiyah boarding school, Elok Arina Yunita, S.Pd., S.Hum S.H.I , the deputy of student affair, Isrofiatun, S.Pd, the head of curriculum, Ainulchaq, S.Kom & Minan Nuri Rohman, S.H as the deputy of curriculum.

"We have learned much from the comparative study. Facilities and human resources in Tazkia IIBS are incredible," Ustadz Darmono Hadi says.


Moreover, he told that many can be adopted and resolved. "We might enforce bilingual program and boarding school management as well as teacher recruitment," he added.

For him, friendly and professional service is great point for international school.

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