Act Locally Think Globally, Thursina IIBS Students Won The First Place in NALATICO
November 2024 was a proud moment for Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS). The students, repeatedly, showed brilliant achievements in the Nala Technology and Science Competition (NALATICO), a national competition held at Taruna Nala High School, in collaboration with East Java Education Service. It is designed to hone students' skills, encourage creativity in research, and award the scientific work. The team consisted of two female students of class XII, Kayla Lucrezia and Raras Pavita, and a student of class XI, Shafa Aini. They received gold medals and proved their excellence in the fields of science and technology.
Ustadzah Ratu Fatimah or called Ustadzah Rafa said that there was online selection of abstracts and presentations. The ideas are related to managing battery waste for Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) women in three Neighborhood Units (RT) in Landungsari Village, Dau District. The close environment and other waste management in the neighboring areas have become the reason behind the selected communities. Besides, Thursina IIBS is committed to provide beneficial values, especially in nearby areas. “The PKK women have a significant influence on society since they are mothers, who have big role in waste management, especially if involving in community movements," said Ustadzah Rafa.
The students and the supervisor were inspired by the previous team following the research regarding Indonesian people's perceptions of battery waste management. Raras, Kezia and Shafa transformed the ideas to the real movement in society. What is initiated by the students is a crucial issue as well. In Indonesia, battery waste management is still underestimated. Based on the findings, people often throw away battery by mixing it with other waste, although it is included in the Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3). The category contains substances that are dangerous to human health and other living creatures, and even damages the environment.
Therefore, special treatment is required to avoid long-term negative impacts. "Actually, the residents sort the battery waste, however they are confused about where to throw it," Ustadzah Rafa explained the case in detail. In the Greater Malang area, there are a lot of plastic waste managements, unfortunately, they not accept battery waste. The nearest place to recycle is in Surabaya.
The team members design activities and presentations, distribute questionnaires and analyze the result. In addition to PKK association, they collaborated with RT, and has started to communicate with RJ Ewaste in Surabaya, an electronic waste management and recycling organization in Indonesia. They help manage the waste, collect and distribute it to the authorities.
Thursina IIBS supports all need of students, in brainstorming ideas, assistance in conducting the project, and data analysis. It's not just about competition but more about learning process. The occasion has enabled them to explore the concept of social empowerment. In fact, community empowerment is full of challenges but has a great influence (powerful). Big things start with a small step. It could be said that students pay attention to the surrounding community or environment, while considering to global impact and influence.
The challenges are getting more immense, not only for students or the case study locations. The attention of all parties, including the government, is required to establish battery waste management, from upstream to downstream in Malang. What Kayla, Raras, and Shafa from the BaBin (Battery Bin) group research is interesting and no one has brought it up in the high school level. They have showed outstanding presentation and data analysis skills as an advantage over other participants. Ustadzah Rafa hopes that the ideas are able to be implemented as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from Thursina IIBS, especially in creating sustainable environment. (sls/lil)