Solid, Key to Success of Thursina FC in Winning The First Place in ASTEC Futsal Tournament 2025

Proudly, Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) futsal team, Thursina FC, succeeded in securing the first place in the AJSC (Al-Hikmah Junior Sport and Science Competition 2025), winning 2 – 1 over the host (19/01).

Led by captain Syarafuddin Zhafran Nugroho, Thursina FC showed the best structured players, including Muhammad Adly Fauzan Syam, Fauzan Wiky Suryawan, Rheno Rizky Erlangga, Muhammad Daffa Ghifary Fajar, Muhammad Daffa Putra Andrianto, Muhammad Nur Al-Ghafari, Syadad Mahardika Mawardi, Kaffasyah Syauqifa Siddiq, Muhammad Raffi, Alfirstdiar Rajendra Burhannudin and Bayha'qi Muhamad Gibrant. They achieved their first luck in the preliminary round of 16 with the Walkover (WO) victory on 13 of January.

Followed by the round of 8, after five days, on 18 of January, Thursina FC was against Junior State School 3  Waru and won narrow victory with a score of 2-1. It took the team to the semifinal match in the following day. This time, they played dominantly against Junior school of Santo Youseef Surabaya and recorded a landslide victory with a final score of 4 – 1.


On the same day, Thursina FC passed to the final match and fought against the host, Junior school of Al-Hikmah, Surabaya. Armed with strong self-confidence, Thursina FC succeeded in showing its beautiful game. It didn't take long before Alfirstdiar Rajendra Burhannudin scored a quick goal in the 3rd minute, and gave Thursina FC  1 – 0 lead over the team. However, the opponents managed to equalize and ended the first half by sharing the score 1 – 1.

In the second half, the match was tight with both teams trading attacks. Thursina FC's toughness was the key, and in the final minutes, Alfirstdiar scored the thriumphed goal, ensuring the final result on 2 – 1. Thursina FC emerged as the first champion of the AJSC 2025. Zhafran, the  captain, told that Thursina FC's dramatic victory was inseparable from strong chemistry among the players and incessant hard work. "We focus on maintaining team solidarity and mentality so that we are not easily provoked, playing sportsmanship or fair play to present the finest," said the student of class IX.

He further added that the enthusiasm for achievement is crucial for every student. Moreover, active participation in various competitions would build wider relationships. "This tournament is not only about winning, but also an opportunity to measure the extent of our abilities in playing futsal. Hopefully we are able to compete in other futsal tournaments and gain more victories," he added.

Thursina IIBS Sports and Art Coordinator, Ustadz Munahar Al-Amin, S.Pd., stated that basically it is necessary for students to develop their talents, especially in championship participation considering on how much the parents have tried to provide the finest for their children. "One way to encourage students is to instill an attitude of grit and perseverance in training. "Basically, the process will never betray the results, this is significant therefore students would appreciate every process as learning," he explained.

In the end, he hopes the achievement would inspire fellow of Thursina IIBS students to pursue excellence. "Hopefully, Students are not give up easily, we have ingrained from the start that the victory is a bonus, the foremost thing is  their efforts must be optimal. Prayers and efforts are paramount, whatever the competition," he concluded.


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