Supporting Alumni to Contribute and Achieve, Tazkia IIBS Prepares Alumni Award.

Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) has launched Alumni Award program as a commitment to Alumni. There are sub-programs, including Alumni Database, Alumni Award, and Inspiring Forum for Alumni. Through the program, Tazkia would like to encourage all alumni to achieve in the university. Furthermore, the program aims to become means of comunication between institution and alumni in various parts of the regions and even the world.

The Director of Relation and Enrolment Office (REO) of Tazkia, Ustadz Sabar Arifin, S.T told that the idea of the program has been come up since the first graduate of junior school of Tazkia in 2017, however, in the first graduation of senior high school of Tazkia, three years later, in 2020, the program  can be launched with better concept and planning.

All alumni will  be required to complete the personal data and information on the website of Tazkia or through call center for alumni. The database is able to be accessed by all visitors of the website and will be updated annually. Also, to share information,  alumni would have special forum on the website which only can be accessed by them.

Ustadz Sabar, moreover, added, that the graduates who achieve in the university would be awarded specially. Certainly, there are specific criteria for the accomplishment and will be verified by REO team. Nevertheless, Ustadz Sabar emphasised that every achievement in academic or non-academic will be rewarded.

"The achievement of the alumni would inspire their juniors to achieve as well," he said. Those who have the achievement will receive award and publication. This appreciation program is expected to support Tazkia alumni to take part for nation.

Additionally, the program allows alumni to publish their writing through Tazkia website. It can be article, scientific writing, literature work such as short story and poem, and scientific writing of alumni that has been published elsewhere. They will have some privileges such as access to Tazkia magazine by Tazkia News application.

"Tazkia would be always open for alumni to collaborate with the institution for research or other projects of their lectures," he says.

Ustadz Sabar explained that Tazkia will hold Inspire Forum for Alumni, a talk with public figure. Also, it will accomodate a talk with teachers of Tazkia in Talksahow with Asatidz and share successful story with Inspiring Guest Star forum. Besides, the alumni could share their experiences and stories in Alumni Inspire Sharing. While, Finance and Business Forum will discuss entrepreneurial opportunities and early investment management.

Lastly, Ustadz Sabar hopes that alumni will have one mission to contribute to Tazkia because they would manage the forum through alumni association later. Therefore, they could maintain to be power who can provide many benefits. "How great the institution is not seen from how many assets it owns.  However, from how much benefit the institution and its alumni provide, "he concluded

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