Showing The Best Performance, Thursina IIBS Undergoes Accreditation for High School Level

On September 2-3, 2024, High School of Thursina IIBS successfully completed the accreditation process using the latest instrument. Ustadz A. Ali Syihabuddin, S.Si., M.Pd., the Principal Academic of High school, Thursina IIBS, shared the details about the preparation and execution of accreditation.

In an exclusive interview, Ustadz Syihab explained that some adjustments are required for the new instrument released in July 2024. "We need to adjust all our preparations to the latest instrument, acquiring to collect concrete evidence from the field. "In a short time, we compile all requisite documentation in August preceeding the accreditation a month later, in September," he said. The initial agenda is a campus tour. The assessors went around to see all facilities provided by Thursina for the convenience of students.



Instrumen akreditasi terbaru ini menetapkan tiga indikator utama yang harus dipenuhi oleh SMA Thursina IIBS. “Instrumen ini The most recent accreditation instrument puts three main indicators that have to be met by Thursina IIBS. “This instrument, actually, is appropriate with the conditions, vision and mission of our school,” he explained. “We managed special accreditation team to handle each of these indicators. The team work persistently to collect documents and photograph all programs and activities to ensure all evidence prepared meets the standards set.”

Ustadz Syihab emphasised that the accreditation  is not only aimed at meeting the standards, but also to advance the merit of learning. "Accreditation is an assessment from the third party providing trust to the public regarding the quality of education in Thursina IIBS. Furthermore, it has an impact on the excellence of teaching and support the alumni in their higher education," he explained.



The principal also underlined the significance of accreditation in monitoring school progress. "With the newest instrument, we can assess the progress of Thursina IIBS high school from various aspects of performance. It shows the minimum standards set by the government, and we ensure that they are in line with education policies in our school," he explained.

Currently, high school of Thursina IIBS has 501 students and implemented the ISO 9001:2015 of quality management system. He added that there is a close relationship between quality management and accreditation. "Our quality management system supports the accreditation process and ensures that all processes and standards in our school are well managed," said Ustadz Syihab.



With thorough preparation and high commitment, the school is optimistic to successfully undergo accreditation and to enhance the value of education. The excellent result of accreditation is expected to strengthen public trust in the grade of education and support advancement of the overall learning process. (rnw/lil)

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