TSA for Female Invites Ruang Guru in Tazkia IIBS to Promote Eagerness in Learning

Students of Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) need to keep eagerness in learning. For this reason, Tazkia IIBS invited young speakers from Ruang Guru, Saturday (8/31).

Collaborating with Tazkia Student Association (TSA) for Female of Education Division, Tazkia IIBS presented two guest speakers, Mustika Saraini as Field Education Consultant and Alif Reza Pahlevi as Teacher Master of Brain Academy. Both are motivators from Ruang Guru, encouraging students to learn.


Mustika Saraini told her experience in junior high school, "Ups and downs during young age were experienced, even going to school can danger life", she said. Today's generations are fortunate to be in effortless education, unfortunately, many are hardly utilize this access.

"It is not the matter of how many times we fail, but how strong we bounce back," Mustika explained in front of all Tazkia IIBS students.

Reza Pahlevi presented in the following session, telling his teaching experience in Turkish schools. "It is so lucky to study in Tazkia IIBS for its similar curriculum with Turki's," Alif said amazingly.

He failed more than six times to go to Japan, even though strived for remedial courses, however, in the end, he was able to be a representative from Indonesia to go to Japan and other six nations.


"Great people come from obstacles and tears, barely are from easiness, pleasure, and calmness," Ghassan Tsaqafi Hanif closed the discussion.

Ustadzah Fathma Zahara Sholeha, M. Pd as coordinator of TSA for female stated that this kind of seminar is necessary for encouraging students to learn eagerly.

"To be motivated and eager to learn," Ustadzah Fathma ended.

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