Maintaining 'A' Accreditation, Thursina High School Graduates Open Opportunities in The World Reputable Universities

Sustaining its excellent performance, Thursina IIBS High School underwent, once more, an accreditation review from National Accreditation Institution - for Primary and Secondary Education (BAN-PDM). It has achieved the title of excellence in high school level accreditation.

The accomplishment based on the Decree of the National School/Madrasah Accreditation Board (BAN-S/M) of East Java Province Number: 1611/BAN-PDM/TU/2024 concerning the determination of school accreditation results and recommendations. High school of Thursina IIBS received an 'A' grade for all aspects in the ongoing learning process.



"With the success of Thursina IIBS High School in obtaining 'A' for accreditation, the opportunity for its graduates to prestigious universities is increasingly wide open," explained Ustadz Ahmad Ali Syihabuddin, S.Si, M.Pd, the principal of Thursina IIBS High School, interviewed on 2-3 of September, 2024. Throughout its journey, since 2018, Thursina High School has served with outstanding quality.

He emphasized that the accreditation is recognition of the implementation of teaching and learning in Thursina IIBS High School, accomplishing national education standards. “All praise be to Allah, everything went smoothly. Visitation, validation and verification processes run well," he said proudly.


There are eight assessment aspects measured by BAN-S/M of East Java Province, including content, process, graduate competency, teacher and education staff, facilities and infrastructure, management, financing, and assessment standards.

The School has excelled in several aspects. According to the results of assessor visit, Thursina IIBS High School stands out in developing students' personal abilities and infrastructure. "Facilities and infrastructure have been marked excellently. Furthermore, our curriculum is surpassing. All administrative files are complete and considered perfect," he added.

Moreover, Ustadz Syihab revealed Thursina IIBS High School transcends in international cooperation. In the last couple years, it has collaborated with some international universities to support the sustainability of students' education. He mentioned Ritsumeikan University, Japan and Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) as two campuses that have signed international agreements with Thursina IIBS.



It would explore more collaborations with worldwide campuses to expand further education opportunities for its students.

"Life skills for students are our excellence as well. For example, Al-Qur'an teaching activities, the habit of queuing up, tadarus, and other similar activities contributed to the achievement," he concluded. (lil)

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