Graduated, 340 Alumni of Thursina IIBS Head to World Reputable Campuses
Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) officially inaugurated 340 graduates from junior and senior high school for the 2023/2024 academic year at UMM Dome on Saturday (22/6). "The graduation is the eighth class for junior high school, 185 students. "Meanwhile, for high school level, this is the fifth class, with 155 students," said the Principal of Thursina IIBS High School, Ali Syihabuddin, S.Si., M.Pd.
He is proud that 18 alumni had been accepted in well-known public universities abroad (Canada, Australia, Russia, Hungary, Hong Kong, and Japan). While, as many as 25 students have been accepted into State Universities (PTN) by the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) or achievement pathway. Six of them were successfully accepted in the favorite faculty, the Medicine Faculty. Most recently, the results of 2024 Test-Based National Selection (SNBT) were successfully declared 27 students to have passed to Reputable state of Indonesian universities.
Also, some are qualified to International Undergraduate Program (IUP).
"As many as 60% of alumni have been accepted in various campuses at home and abroad, while the other 40% are still in process, including those who aim to study in the Middle East. "Three alumni have received the Advanced Indonesia Scholarship (BIM) in Australia and the other same number have received scholarships in Russia," he added. What make it more gratified at is as many as 25 graduates have completed the 30 juz tahfidz program.
"On this delightful day, we would like to express our thanks to all the Islamic boarding school guardians who have worked together in building the character and developing the potential of our children. "Without the support and cooperation of all of you, excellent and prestigious achievement would not have been possible," he continued.