Two Thursina IIBS Teachers Received Governor’s Awards for Remarkable Achievements

Teachers of Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) recently made another brilliant feat in the field of education. On Tuesday, May 2,  Ustadzah Dian Asmi Setoningsih, M.Pd., and Ustadzah Risa Nur Fitriyana, S.Psi., received an award from the Governor of East Java in the Field of Teacher and Education Personnel Development (GTK).

The award was given on the final National Education Day Commemoration Event at the Grahadi State Building, Surabaya. Every year, the Governor of East Java awarded teachers who excelled in their fields. At the awarding ceremony, there were dozens of teachers receiving a variety of accolades in the High School Education Education Sector, Vocational School Education Development Sector, PK-PLK Development Sector, and GTK Development Sector. Additionally, The Satyalancana Karya Satya Honorary Medal was also awarded during the ceremony. 


On this occasion, Ustadzah Dian received an award thanks to the gold medal she won at the 2023 International Research Teach Competition (IRTC). Meanwhile, Ustadzah Risa was awarded for her gold research grant from the Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organization-Regional Center for Food and Nutrition (SEAMEO-RECFON).

Prior to the event, teachers received a message from the Department of Education encouraging them to register their achievements for the current academic year. These achievements were then reviewed for eligibility, and those selected would then be honored by the Governor of East Java, similar to Ustdzah Dian and Ustadzah Risa.

They were invited to Surabaya for the awarding ceremony which has since left a lasting impression for both teachers. For Ustadzah Dian, the opportunity to meet other teachers from all over the province inspired her to become a better educator. “Since Thursina is an international school, we rarely have the opportunity to connect with other GTK partner teachers or participate in the MGMP (Subject Teachers Conference). But here, we can meet others and share our experiences.”

“After chatting, masyaallah, it became clear that those invited are truly outstanding teachers with a remarkable teaching spirit. I feel so inspired to be just like them,” she shared.


Ustadzah Dian noted that, in addition to motivating their students to grow, teachers have the obligation to challenge and improve themselves as well. This self-improvement allows them to serve as exemplary figures for their students. One way to achieve this is by participating in competitions. This year alone, Ustadzah Dian has taken part in six competitions.

“For instance, by entering a competition, we are required to study international research journals and stay updated on recent education news. This process helps us improve and become more open-minded, rather than merely being content with what we already know,” she emphasized.

Ustadzah Dian and Ustadzah Risa took the opportunity to express their gratitude to Thursina IIBS for consistently supporting their staff and teachers in their achievements, including recognizing their efforts through news releases. While this award is a significant milestone, Ustadzah Dian and Ustadzah Risa understand that their responsibilities are far from over. They are committed to disseminate their knowledge with other teachers to inspire them to follow in their footsteps.

“Hopefully, Ustadzah Risa and I will be granted ease so we can keep inspiring and sharing our knowledge and experience with other teachers at Thursina IIBS, or even the greater Malang and East Java area,” Ustadzah Dian concluded. 

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