Exploring Nature, Fostering Faith: Thursina IIBS Hosts Mabit Retreat for Students
Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) recently hosted its annual Evening of Faith and Piety Mentoring (Mabit) at the Indah Valley in Malang Regency on October 23 to 25. The evening brought together students from the 9th and 12th grade in an opportunity to explore and ponder nature as well as a chance to relax and refresh the mind prior to the upcoming school’s academic and tahfidz final examinations of the semester.
Exploration and reflection of nature became an integral part of Thursina IIBS’s teaching, aimed at introducing students to the greatness of Allah, the creator of the heavens, the earth, and all that exists within them. By familiarizing themselves with the open nature, the program encouraged students to contemplate their surroundings and seek the signs of Allah’s greatness. This fostered a sense of awe and reverence for His creations, helping them to grow closer to and deepen their faith in Allah Almighty. The program covered a series of activities such as outbound, faith sermons, social gatherings and outdoor Quran study.
For the female students, the overnight program took place first on Monday through Tuesday. There was palpable joy and excitement during the outbound sessions, where students played games such as relay races, charades, and finish-the-lyrics. Laughter and screams of delights brightened the otherwise peaceful day. The soft chirping of birds and the gentle breeze rustling through the trees created an ideal atmosphere for students to bond and get to know each other better.
During the event celebrating Santri's Day, Ustaz Nanang Setyobudi, S.Fil.I., the head of the female boarding school, encouraged students to reflect on their intentions and commitment to learning at Thursina IIBS. He highlighted the importance of maximizing their final year as junior high and high school students by working hard and achieving great things to make their parents proud. Additionally, he urged students to uphold the values of religiousness, compassion, and open-mindedness. By internalizing these values, they will ultimately become inspiring leaders.
“Your best years as a student won’t happen again, that’s why you must maximize and utilize every self-actualizing opportunities, adorn yourself with knowledge, so that one day, when you become a member of the society, you’d have the chance to do good for others,” stressed Ustadz Nanang.
Meanwhile, the male students’ Mabit took place from Tuesday to Wednesday. Like their female peers, these students participated in a series of outbound activities, including sarong race, water war, and more. As the day rolled away into dusk, they quickly gathered in rows to pray Maghrib together in the open air.
Ustaz Muhammad Rajab, M.Pd.I., Chief of Education at Thursina IIBS, emphasized in his sermon that reflecting on the beauty of nature is a means to appreciate the greatness of Allah. Immersing ourselves in the beauty of nature can foster our sense of gratitude as Muslims. Every sight, sound, and sensation serves to deepen our faith, encourage obedience, and inspire our worship.
“All of nature's beauty sprawled before us are created solely by the will of Allah SWT. Witnessing them with our own eyes should enhance our devotion and motivation of worship,” he explained.
The bonfire turned out to be the highlight of the evening. After a long day, students gathered around the fire to warm themselves against the brisk air of Kawi Mountain's slopes while enjoying delicious barbecued meat. During the bonfire, prizes were awarded to the students who had won earlier games that day. As the evening wore on, one-by-one the students began to turn in for the night. At dawn, they gathered to pray Subuh together before reading the Quran in the open air. After enjoying a delicious breakfast, they returned to the boarding school to continue their studies.
The Mabit was also carried out in preparation for the final Dauroh Quran program, namely the tahfidz exam. On this occasion, Ustaz Rajab advised students to use the memorized Quran as a guideline for daily life, emphasizing that the Quran is the ultimate source of guidance. He also reminded the students to remain devoted to their parents.
“Upon your return, I hope this event will not only provide an opportunity to unwind but also enhance our piety and foster a love for the environment,” concluded Ustadz Rajab in his sermon.