Giving Full Briefing, Tazkia IIBS is Ready to Sent the Alumni Abroad

Before the departure of alumni to study abroad, Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) held pre-departure webinar (09/16-17) attended by all Tazkia alumni who will continue their studies overseas. Provided by teachers, experienced studying abroad, of Tazkia,  it was aimed to brief the alumni about college life there.

There are some talks in the virtual meeting. Tips to be successful in studying abroad was given by the CEO of Tazkia, Ustadz Nur Abidin, M.Ed., Value and Identity of Tazkia Student by the Chairman of Tazkia IIBS, Ustadz Muhammad Ali Wahyudi, M.Pd., Time Management by Ustadz Ahmad Fananni, M.A., Abroad Thought Challenge by Ustadz Muhammad Rajab, M.Pd., Modern Fiqh  of Studying Abroad by Ustadz Imam Awaluddin,MA., Ph.D., Cross Cultural Understanding by Ustadz Ir. H. Sentot E. Parijatno, M.T., and Financial Management by Ustadzah Muchorammatut Toyyibah, M.Si.


Ustadz Ali in his speech emphasised to remember their identity as student and value of Tazkia, "Morally Excellent". They are supposed to balance between worship and study. Simple example is by praying tahajud at dawn daily. Besides, it is substantial for alumni to focus on learning and finding good friends.

The alumni, furthermore, shoud realise that they will be inspiring leaders, eager to learn for developing themselves. Through various challenges when studying abroad, they would foster international mind, introduced in Tazkia. "Donot be wrongly intended ! Always intend to learn because of the blessing of Allah," he advised.

In Time Management talk, Ustadz Fanani provided some tips for alumni. Firstly, by listing activities, planning each of them, making priority scale, updating information as well as  enjoying every moment.



"Time management needs high emotional intelligence, thus when we meet something out of plan, we could keep calm and try to solve it effectively," he told.

The teacher, studying doctoral in Brunei, explained, in managing time, work smart is more preferred than work hard. One does not have to try a hard way but spends a lot of time showing that he has worked hard.  It is better to have a simpler but better way to reach the goal thus it saves more time.

"When handling a problem, we should not to mind How to Fight, but How to Survive. How we tackle the problem," he said. To close the talk, Ustadz Rajab explained how to fortify from the invasion of thought, a term for intellectual warfare so that Muslims stay away from religious and divine values. One of the medium is through educational institution or particular organisation. Therefore, students need to be well equipped to choose an organization in accordance with the principles and goals as a Muslim.

The main way to fortify ourselves from invansion of thought is by never stopping to study religion. Additionally, learning the history of Islam is vital in order not to easily arise doubts when hearing statements that doubt the truth of Islam. Gathering with the Muslim community is also essential as a form of ukhuwah that can remind one another to worship.

"Lastly, keep reading a lot thus the fortress we build will get stronger! ", he ended.

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