Inspiring Visits: Prof. Dr. (HC) Dahlan Iskan Admi
Tazkia IIBS was visited by inspiring public figure, Prof. Dr. (HC) Dahlan Iskan, contributed greatly in techno....
Tazkia IIBS was visited by inspiring public figure, Prof. Dr. (HC) Dahlan Iskan, contributed greatly in techno....
Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) berhasil membabat juara dan menjadi juara umum dalam lomba....
وقد قام التعاون بين معهد التزكية و جامعة الأزهار الشريف بمصر....
Encouragement related organisation skill is crucial to be developed for its significance in the long run. The ....
To intensify internationalisation and Islamic mission development through education sector, Tazkia Internation....
Electricity is considered the basis of public need produced by recent various power plants. However, the use o....
"Colouring the world is not only through achievement, but also through habit, mindset, and event. One of them ....
For more than a time, students of Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) placed the first winner ....