Thursina IIBS : The Host of Perhumas Malang Raya 'Good Talk'

Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) has reaffirmed its existence by joining Malang Raya Public Relations Association (PERHUMAS). In order to spread the mission, Thursina IIBS keeps on with communication and maintenance of good relationships with various agencies and institutions through Public Relations. Most recently, Thursina IIBS hosted regular PERHUMAS Malang Raya meeting on Thursday (21/9).

The event, themed Good Talk, is routinely held by PERHUMAS Malang Raya as a forum for gathering all Public Relations agents and sharing information and materials. On this occasion, the discussion theme was ' The Implementation of Excellence Plus Model: The Key to Public Relations Success in the Modern Era'.

The manager of Public Relations, Ustadz Arief Fathurrahman, S. Pd.I said, the agenda is not only a seminar, but also gathering and sharing information and knowledge about developments in the field of public relations.

"Thursina deliberately fosters and spreads its mission by engaging in the community alike," said Ustdaz Arief.

Furthermore, Ustadz Arief added, technological developments and digitalization in Indonesia are growing rapidly. People, nowadays, can easily access information, one of which is through social media - a challenge for Public Relations. Besides presentation, there were Branch Deliberations and changes in management.

Presented on this special event, Prof. Rachmat Kriyantono, S.Sos., M.Sc., Ph.D as PERHUMAS Award Recipient for Educator Category, Dr. Zulkarnain, M.Pd., M.Si from Brawijaya University, Ismintarti, SP as Head of Communication and Public Information Division of Diskominfo of Malang City  and, from the practitioner, attended Lucky Lokononto as Person in Charge of

Based on the presentation, the chair of Malang Raya Public Relations Branch Management Board, Andina Paramitha, explained that the Excellence model is substantial in public relations practice. As a matter of fact, this model needs to be upgraded to the Excellence Plus model. There are at least 2 principles running on this, namely the accommodative and advocacy principles, coming from a reflection of the Contingency of Accommodation theory, the principles of local wisdom as well as the role of public relations.

"With the following model, hopefully, Public Relations sector would excellently play its role in each agency," said Andina.

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