Thursina IIBS Hosts Fun Games to Foster Staff’s Well-being and Camaraderie

Eager smiles stretched across the faces of Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) members as the 2023 Thursina Fun Games commenced on October 13. The long awaited event brought to an end the series of institutional orientation and skill training programs prior to the return of students following the end of  the mid odd-semester break. 


Taking place at the male campus sport center, the event brought together teachers, murobbi/murobbiyah, education staff, as well as the cafeteria personnels. The event was kicked off by  Ustadz Nur Abidin, M.Ed, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Thursina, and Ustadz Muhammad Ali Wahyudi, M.Pd, the Chairman of Thursina, along with the board of management with a ceremonial arrow shot. In his address, Ustadz Abidin noted that the sports featured in the Thursina Fun Games  are among the activities recommended by the Prophet (sunnah). He explained that the event aims to enhance physical fitness and agility through activities that carry profound philosophical significance, applicable to our daily routines. 

“For example, swimming; If we don’t know how to position and move our body through water, we will certainly sink, just like in life; if we live without values and principle, we will sink as well,” noted Ustadz Abidin. 


According  to Ustadzah Hilmia Wardani, Chief of Human Resources Management & Quality Assurance at Thursina IIBS, Thursina Fun Games is designed as  part of the institution's well-being programs for its staff. These programs are held regularly to enhance welfare, foster camaraderie, and create a positive work environment while promoting the values of Religious, Caring, Open-Minded, and Inspiring (RECODING).


The event featured agility games including archery, horse riding, swimming, wall climbing as well as a masterchef cooking contest. All competitions took place at the male campus, which was fully equipped with all necessary facilities, and was overseen by professional coaches. Each work unit sends a representative delegation to participate in the competitions. For the archery, horse riding, and wall-climbing events, each unit dispatched one delegation. On the other hand, the swimming event was held as a relay race in a 28-meter pool, with each unit providing a team of four participants.


Meanwhile, for the masterchef cooking contest each unit is required to send a team of 8 to participate. Each team then has to make a unique appetizer and dessert according to their own creativity. They were also provided with a mystery box of ingredients which they must use to make the main course. To everyone’s surprise, the mystery boxes contain eels as the main ingredient. In the end, every winner of each competition category received prize money that they got to take home. 


During the event, Ustadzah Hilmia made sure to remind everyone to maintain a sense of sportsmanship. She emphasized that the event is an opportunity to refresh their mind and to foster friendships among faculty members. By taking care of the staff’ physical and mental health, Thursina IIBS hoped that they would be ready to welcome the students on their return with newfound enthusiasm.


“We hope to see new innovations at the event that will enhance its liveliness and strengthen relationships among our team members,” she concluded.

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