Introducing the World of College: Thursina IIBS Organises Campus Study Excursion for Class XI
To support students of grade 12 determining their next education, Thursina IIBS reconducted an annual Campus Study Excursion. The agenda was divided based on the destined universities, including Overseas and Domestic campuses. Those who interested to continue their higher education in Indonesia, would be invited to join the tour to several well-known universities in Yogyakarta : UII, UNY, UGM, and UMY.
The event was scheduled for almost a week, from Monday, 14 of October to Friday, 18 of October 2024. Preceeding the tour, the participants followed a special course to direct them specifically during the journey. In order to be well prepared, they were required to plan what to accomplish before the departure.
The principal of academic, Ustadz Rois Haqiqi, M.Pd stated that one of the aims is to provide information and insight about the campus to students of class 12. In addition, they were able to find more information about several enrolment methods available, choices of major, and scholarships in the prospective universities. They would know and feel the atmosphere and learning experience in several favourite campuses, both in public and private.
"Students directly tour the campus and its environment, and are presented about the programs regarding the enrolment since each university certainly has specific regulations," explained Ustadz Rois. The visit directed to comprehensive information and helped students take the right decisions for their later education.
He stated, furthermore, the Campus Study Excursion was designed to provide a positive experience and impression in the end of the learning process for the last class in Thursina. Hopefully, they would find the appropriate options and prepare well for the upcoming level of education to reach their success and pursue their future dreams. (faz/lil)