Fully Supporting Student's Higher Education, Thursina IIBS Signs Letter of Cooperation with UM and UMM

Thursina IIBS is persistenly committed to improve the quality of educational services. In accordance with this, Thursina IIBS has just signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a couple well-known universities in Malang, State University of Malang (UM) and Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM), (22/08).

Presented at UM Public Relations Office, Rectorate Graha, First Floor, Thursina IIBS signed an MoU with UM (08/03). The Head of Thursina IIBS Education, Ustadz M. Rajab, M.Pd.I, Principal of Junior High School, Ustaz A. Ali Syihabuddin, M.Pd, and Middle School Principal, Rois Haqiqi, M.Pd, were present in the agenda. While, the host university was represented by the Director of Directorate of Data and Information, Ranking, Public Relations and Cooperation, Dr. Yuni Rahmawati, S.T., M.T., Head of  Collaboration and Public Relations, Dra. Hj. Komariyah and Head of Cooperation, Raden Roro Devita Nirmala Hapsari, S.S., MBA.


The principal of senior high school, Ustadz A. Ali Syihabuddin, M.Pd, revealed that the two MoU have been signed  as collaboration of the two, improving  education quality, implementation of tri dharma of higher education, independent campus program as well as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The scope of collaboration covers several fields : educational development, research, community service and quality improvement of Human Resources (HR).

The alliance also benefits them in exchanging information related to  education development excellency. Moreover, it would become opportunity for Thursina IIBS to prepare and expand collaboration with higher education institutions as well as a chance for student's further studies. “The programs initiated are supposed to support professional class in Thursina especially for inviting experts as guest lecturers and examiners in special classes," he said.


Also, the signing of MoU was also carried out with UMM, precisely with Faculty of Psychology (18/08). In addition of MBKM program implementation, it is aimed at improving the quality of school counselors. It opens up opportunities for Thursina IIBS students to know the framework of psychology, especially, in programs that require psychological testing.

"Hopefully, the collaboration could facilitate students

for qualified advanced studies based on their interests and both parties could synergize to improve the quality of education, Ustdaz Syihab added.

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