Election of TSA President of Thursina IIBS 2024: Leadership Experiential Learning for Students

The election of Thursina Student Association (TSA) in male and female campuses of Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) was successfully held. It is an annual event, aiming to select the best leader to manage diverse activities in school over the next period.

Ustadz Febryan Yustiadi, S.Pd., as the Vice Principal of Student Affairs for male Campus, explained the selection was conducted manually. "The students used paper ballots, and the teachers voted using electronic system via Google Form," said Ustadz Febryan. The method allowed every vote to be recorded properly, as well as providing direct practices of democratisation for students.


In contrast, Ustadz Hendika Wicaksana, S.Pd., TSA Advisor for female Campus, stated the election was entirely undertook using electronic voting media. "In female campus, they voted through electronic tools to ensure efficiency and accuracy," he added.

Election activies of TSA began with campaigns and speeches by the candidates for almost a week, from 16 to 20 September 2024. They  competed to convey their vision and mission through various media, including posters, campaign videos, debates and orations. "The nominees campaigned orderly and enthusiastic," said Ustadz Hendika, emphasizing the significance of order in the campaign process.


The enthusiasm for TSA election was full. Ustadz Febryan revealed that participation rate was 100% ini male campus. "The male students are ardent; it shows how necessary the agenda is for them," he said. On the other hand, in female students was 5% lower with 95% participation. Some were unable to attend for certain reasons.

The candidates in male Campus for President election were Arya Mahbub Al Qudsy and Rayyan Billah Abdillah (grade 11), the 1st Chief Candidate included M. Iqbal Maulana Syafrizal and Ahmad Reza Anugrah (grade 10), and the 2nd Chief Candidate nominated Adhis Alvaro Safaraz Putra Ismawan and Dimas Wahyu Rahadian Hariyanto (grade 8).

Meanwhile, in female Campus, the TSA Presidential candidates are Ananda Alyssa Aulia Putri Wahyudi and Kayla Khairani Riai (grade 11). For the 1st Chief Candidate, followed by Anca Sheika Salsabila and Fatimah Az Zahra (class 10), and the 2nd Chief Candidate by Keisha Rafidah and Chiquita Medina Sisworo (class 8).


The election results were announced on September 23 2024. Arya Mahbub Al Qudsy was elected as TSA President, with M. Iqbal Maulana Syafrizal, and Adhis Alvaro Safaraz Putra Ismawan.

While, the presidential team in female campus were Alyssa Aulia Putri Wahyudi, Anca Sheika Salsabila and Keisha Rafidah.

Ustadz Hendika hopes  TSA becomes an effective learning forum to build organisational  and leadership skills. "TSA advances an opportunity  to practice leadership and collaboration in managing the school programs," he concluded.

Hopefully, following the election, the new team of TSA staffs carry out their duties well and lead Thursina IIBS further forward in various student activities. (rnw/lil)

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