Consistency, The Key to Imam Azmi's Success in Completing 30 Juz of the Qur'an

Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) consistently nurtures generations of hafiz and hafizah through tahfidz program. Although general memorization target for students is around 3-5 juz, some students are driven to complete it up to 30 juz before graduation. One of them is Imam Azmi Al-Mahfuzh, who did it less than a year, about 8 months only.

In 2023/2024 of academic year, Azmi will become the first student of class 12 who has completed memorizing 30 juz. He memorizes 3 pages in one face-to-face meeting fluently in his daily routine. In a period of 8 months, starting from January to the mid-September 2023, he successfully accomplished his full memorization.

An outstanding student, coming from East Jakarta, admitted that he was motivated by the enthusiasm and pleasure of his senior who graduated by completing the whole Quran. His dream is that happiness as well. "I just want to make my parents proud by standing on tahfidz graduation stage, this is the ultimate reason for me to complete my memorization," he shared his dream.

The tahfidz program is only one of the prestigious programs at Thursina boarding school.  For some students, it is hard to complete 30 juz memorization. It is because they are keen to join several interesting programs in the rest of their time spent in school and other mandatory activities in the boarding school. However, this did not cut down his determination, he proved that he got these challenges while maintaining sense of purpose and consistency to continue murojaah day by day.

He further explained his method of memorizing. He must complete at least 3 pages every day and submit them in the direct meeting. For him, who lives in Abdurrahman room 5, Al-Qur'an manuscripts printed by Thursina IIBS is highly convenient in the memorization process. The Mushaf contains 4 colors on each page, making it easier to memorize one page.

Practically, he uses these four parts based on the colors on the page by reading it 10 times first by sight for each colour. Then, in the eleventh reading, he reads the verses by trying to remember until the same color is memorized fluently. Following by the second, third and fourth colors with the same method. "Reading and memorizing start from the first color, thus  to memorize the verses in the fourth color, the verses in the first, second and third colors are still read and memorized," he added.

In addition using the Mushaf from Thursina IIBS, there are three favorite times to memorize - after Asr prayer, Maghrib prayer and Tahajjud prayer or 20 minutes before dawn. For him, who aspires to continue his study in Jordan, these three times are the most efficient for memorizing, "If I memorize after the midnight prayer while waiting for the morning call, I can sometimes memorize 2 pages," he said.

Thursina Mosque, standing majestically in the middle of international-style Islamic boarding school, is his favorite place. He finds calm and tranquility in it. He wishes that the memorization will continue even after graduation by intensifying it (mutqin).

"May Allah always make it easy for me to maintain my memorization and hopefully it can benefit people," he wished.

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