Collaborating with Thursina IIBS, Endocrinology Division of UNAIR Medical Faculty Invites Students to Care About Growth and Puberty
Endocrinology Division, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, in collaboration with Thursina IIBS held a Community Service entitled Early Detection of Growth Disorders and Anemia Screening for Students (1/6). The event was attended by 465 students from junior and high schools of Thursina IIBS.
dr. Rayi Kurnia Perwitasari, Sp.A, M.Ked.Klin, as the
speaker, explained how necessary to assess growth, puberty and early symtomps
of anemia in students. "Puberty is the process of physical changes in a
person from a child to an adult body which is marked by the physical, mental
and emotional changes," explained dr. Rayi. In her speech, she mentioned
that anemia could be one of the risk factors causing growth disorders.

The event had some timetables, firstly, pretest session to
assess the students initial knowledge. Followed by the presentation and the
posttest to measure in which they understand well the material presented.
TMC (Thursina Medical Center) Coordinator, Ns. Catrina Dyan Ekayanti, S.Tr.Kep, added, the agenda includes anthropometric examination to assess growth, waist, abdominal and upper arm circumference. In addition, Actual Blood Sugar (GDA) and hemoglobin measurements were carried out to detect anemia.

The entire activities took place lively. The students seemed
enthusiastic in listening to the presentation and active during the question
and answer session. Hopefully, teenagers, parents and teachers have more
awareness and support regarding the process of puberty in adolescents
especially in their nearest surrounding. (faz/lil)