Mastering English Language Skills, Thursina IIBS Students Join ELC in Australia

Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) has once again showed its commitment to supporting international learning by joining an English Language Camp (ELC) program in Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia. It was followed by  13 students of grade 11,  including 6 females and 7 males for several weeks.

The deputy of Study Abroad for Australia, Europe, Canada and the US, Ustadz Rasus Sayyaf Basarang, S.Pd., explained that the program aims to accelerate mastery of English skills through first-hand experience in English-speaking countries. “We want students to really feel how to use English in everyday life, both in academic and social environments. "This is not just learning a language, but also understanding the culture attached to that language," he said.


During the Language Camp program, they took part in Leader's University-based activities from Monday to Friday. They received English for Academic Purposes material to improve formal English skills needed in academics. Also, they were invited to excursion to various interesting places such as the exhibition center in Adelaide,  City Library, and About Australia session, introducing Australian culture and life.

As regulations in Australia, students under 18 years old are required to live with house family or guardians. The house families have been selected thoroughly to ensure the comfort and safety of the students. “Life with a house family provides a unique experience. They learn directly about Australian family culture, daily routines, and ways of communicating that are more relaxed but still professional," explained Ustadz Rasus.


He also emphasized the significance of Language Camp in broadening the way of thinking. “This experience is not just about language, furthermore, it learns how to think critically and appreciate diversity. They gain opportunity to interact with international students, enrich their insight into different perspectives, and prepare for careers in the global world," he said.

Thursina IIBS is optimistic that the program will  improve English skills as well as shape their character as future leaders who are able to compete in the international level. "We hope the participants would inspire their friends and play an active role in advancing the global community with  language abilities and skills they have acquired," concluded Ustadz Rasus. (rnw/lil)

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