Coming up with Inspiring Ideas, Thursina IIBS Students Shine in ISIF and NSIF 2024

Thursina International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) once again achieved brilliantly in the prestigious International Science and Innovation Fair (ISIF) and National Science and Innovation Fair (NSIF), 2024. Competing with 324 participants from 24 countries, Thursina IIBS students proved that they not only excel in the field of religion, but also in research and innovation.

Ustadzah Risa Nur Fitriyana, S.Psi., Senior School Counselor of Thursina IIBS, said that the participation on the event has showed their creativity and problem-solving abilities. "We are really proud of outstanding achievements of our students in the international event. They have proven not only superior in religious knowledge, but also in research and innovation. This attainment manifests religious value-based education instilled in Thursina IIBS is able to encourage the creativity and intellectual abilities of students in resolving real world problems", she said. 


Thursina students representing the school are Nahla Chumaira Putri Aghna, Fakhira Mutmainnah, Zahra Keisha Khaulani Syam, Almira Nailid Dzakiyyah Atmojo, Aulia Ramadhania Putri, Tanisha Aqeela Putri Setiadi, Naila Aaqila Toengkagie, Khairunisa Rohadatul Husna, Cahya Nirki Sholehah, Azarine Nur Atiqah Sakhi, Chalisah Kanita, Radyananta Puan Hascarya, Nabila Azhari Putri Hasfareza, Audrey Ogya Awandiningrum, and Audrey Shafa Azzahra. They presented three inspiring research projects.

The first project, Mindventure: A CBT-Based Board Game to Improve Social-Emotional Skills of Children and Adolescents, aims to help them develop emotional awareness, cognitive flexibility, and problem-solving skills. This innovative approach is gaining attention due to its relevance in improving social-emotional well-being.


The second project, Mi Agua: Hydration Reminder Application, designed to help teenagers and adults improve their drinking habits and eating patterns through a digital health service application.

The third project, Marlo's Map: Digital Educational Game to Bridge Geography and History Learning, an educational game combining historical and geographical knowledge, making learning more interesting and interactive.
Ustadzah Risa added, "We want our students to learn academic knowledge and the importance of putting solutions forward, offering real benefits for society through this golden opportunity."


The success has reflected Thursina IIBS's mission to integrate academic excellence and moral values ​​in educating future leaders. "We are committed to provide chances for our students to explore their potential and present innovative ideas that can change the world, in line with our mission to educate visionary leaders with noble character," concluded Ustadzah Risa. (rnw/lil)

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